I've been having a hard time summarizing Lisamarie's character arc from Monkey beach and was wondering if I could get someone to look at what I had written and give me some criticisms.

"Lisa was born into a very average and normal family with a special power that had let her see the supernatural. She starts out as a regular tomboy who loved exploring the world around her but begins to see that she has a duty to fulfill. She first learns about the oppression her culture was under by her ma-ma-oo and Uncle Mick which causes her to have a rebellious attitude, one of her first unfavorable traits. She then goes with her ma-ma-oo to familiarize herself with her haisla heritage which helps her understand her developing spiritual powers. During this time, she begins to understand the mentally crushing power she has and decides to socially ostracise herself subconsciously."

1 answer

Use present tenses here.

"average and normal" is redundant. Choose one and omit the other.

Who is "ma-ma-oo"? If it's her grandmother, be sure to indicate so at the first mention.

What is "haisla"?

This is strange: "to socially ostracise herself subconsciously."
Ostracizing is done by others to someone. Do you mean she decides to withdraw? To become hermit-like? And how does "subconsciously" fit here. She either decides to withdraw or she doesn't. There's nothing subconscious about such a decision.