It's got to be min. 2 pages. I'm doing it on Andrew Wyeth. This is the only guideline I was given:
"As part of your course requirements, you need to choose an artist and research the artist and his or her work."
Any ideas on at outline/what I should really focus on? I know I need to mention his work, but do I describe the paintings or just mention them?
Lost here.
I've already been to wikipedia and encarta for some info, btw.
I'm just having trouble getting started / figuring out how much of his life I should focus on / how to approach talking about his art.
If I were you, I'd spend about 1/3rd of my time giving his biography and the rest of the time showing, describing, and interpreting two or three of his paintings. Maybe choose one from early in his painting career, one from late in his career, and one or two others from the middle.
I hope that helps.
Consider this:
What time frame did he paint? What was going on during those times?
What impact did he have on art?
What other impacts did he have?
For what is he remembered?