It's for a psychology experiment, i'm comparing the reaction times of people to the number of hours of sleep they get per night on average. Please give me some ideas on how to carry out this experiment. For example, like what will be a good way to select subjects, just male or both female and male, age, and so on. Any help will be greatly appreciate! Thanks!!!

3 answers

It seems like you are looking to correlate sleep times to reaction times. If you will actually be doing the experiment rather than just proposing one, it might be convenient to choose college peers. (I am assuming you are in college.)

You might want to do a pilot study with one gender, just to get the "bugs" out. Be aware that reaction times can vary depending on the hour of the day.

What type of task will you be using to measure reaction times?

Are you going to rely on self-reporting for hours of sleep?

Will the subjects be measured over a period of days, say a week, to get an average?

You have many such questions to answer in creating your experiment. Good luck!
For the samples, i was thinking about recruiting 10 females age range from 19-25. Yes, i am pretty much will have a survey about general backgrounds, and number of hours of sleep on average per night. I will give the survey to the participants before testing the reaction time.
To test the reaction time, the method i'm thinking about doing is: I hold the ruler. Line the subject's hand up with the bottom. Drop the ruler and ask the subject to grabs it. Where they grab it will be shown by a measurement on the ruler. That will be a measure of reaction time. Like you said, since reaction times can vary depending on the hour of the day, the time of day will be the same for everybody. ( in the morning 10-12 maybe?) i only have two week to carry out the experiment so the subjects will just be measured over a period of days.
What do you think about my method? Please give me your suggestions. Thank you!!!