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The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his Impact on Mankind
In order to analyze the impact of any person on humanity as a whole, it is very important that we examine the historical data and books on the person to understand the character and it’s impact on humanity. Michael H. Hart in his book “The 100: Ranking of the most influential persons in History” has ranked the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the number one personality. In his opening passages of describing why he has chosen Muhammad (PBUH) he writes, “My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the worlds most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels. Today thirteen centuries after his death, his influence is still powerful and pervasive” (Hart, 3). The impact of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was primarily on the society in which he existed and how he transformed the Arabian society of the seventh century that was in total darkness and lawlessness into a civilization based on righteousness, piety and other noble characters, which were the basis of Islam. In order to understand his impact, I will focus on the most important characteristics of his personality and how they impacted the society in which he lived in.

Even before the declaration of his Prophet hood, Muhammad (PBUH) was known in the Meccan society as an honest and trustworthy person. People of Mecca who had valuable possessions kept them in the custody of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) because of his honesty. As a result of this very important feature of his characteristic, when he first announced to the people of Mecca openly about his Prophet hood, his question to them was about his character. He said “Oh people of Mecca, if I were to tell you that there is an army behind this mount Safa that is ready to attack you, would you believe in me?” (Al-Mubarakpuri, 15). And on this question the people responded affirmatively saying that we have always known you as an honest and truthful person. He then informed them about the Prophet hood he had received from God. Although most of the people who were gathered in that assembly denied his claim to prophet hood, they did not call him a liar, as they had never known him to lie. Even on the day when he was migrating from Mecca to Madinah, the last thing that he did was returning the belongings of those who had given them to him for safekeeping.

Another very important feature of his characteristic was he being just in every manner. Before his prophet hood there was a flood in Mecca and after the flood the people of Mecca decided to rebuild the Kaaba (The House of God built by the Prophet Abraham (PBUH). When the entire Kaaba was rebuilt, there was a dispute as to who would put the sacred black stone in its rightful place, as every tribe and leader wanted this honor. The leaders of all the tribes decided that whoever entered Kaaba first the next day would be the decision maker of this very important issue. Mohammad (PBUH) was the first person to enter Kaaba the very next day and was asked to decide who would place the stone in its place. Using his wisdom, he said that he would spread a large piece of cloth, lay the black stone in the center of the cloth, ask the chief of each tribe to hold the cloth and bring it close to the building where the stone would be placed, and then he himself placed the stone in it’s rightful place. This resulted in every tribe being satisfied that they had each played an important role and no one got more supremacy than the other. Had the Prophet (PBUH) not been just on this occasion it would have led to bloodshed and war amongst the Meccan tribes. Justice continued to dominate the character of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as it is the most important aspect of an Islamic society. During his thirteen years in Madinah, the tribes of Jews would come to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) for the settlement of their dispute, as they knew he would decide justly. On several occasions when there were disputes between a Muslim and a Jew or a Muslim and a non-Muslim, the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) gave decisions which went against the Muslim and in favor of a Jew or non-Muslim because that was the demand of justice based on Islam. Thus he transformed an unjust and lawless society into one of the most just societies of the world showing his followers that justice should prevail under any and all circumstances. He was also the person to give the women of Arabia the rights to ownership and inheritance based on Islamic law, which was never heard of before and especially in a society where women were treated not more than a commodity.

The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was a very loving and kind person, to his family, foes and his followers. In the initial years of his Prophet hood when he would return home in the evening after inviting the people of Mecca to accept the one God, a woman who lived in his neighborhood would spread thorny bushes in his path and when he returned home, his feet would be filled with the thorns from the bushes and would bleed. This continued on a regular basis until one day when he returned home he did not find the thorns in his path. After a few days like this, he went to visit the woman and found out that she was sick and unable to get off her bed. He asked her how he could help and serve her in his sickness despite the pain and suffering she inflicted upon him. He was an extremely loving father to his four daughters as well as a loving husband. He loved his family members and his companions equally. His companions are known to have said that we never found the Prophet say no to someone for something that he had. There are instances recorded in his life where when he had nothing but a few dates in his household and was hungry for several days and yet he gave them to the needy people and left nothing for himself.

At the peak of his life when he had total control over the affairs of Arabia, he never let go of the characteristic of humbleness. The most amazing example of this is conquering of Mecca in the eighth year of his migration to Madinah. When he entered Mecca with ten thousand of his followers, he commanded them not to hurt any human being, animal or plant. He entered Mecca on his ride with his head down in humility and Praise to God. He declared to the people of Mecca that there will not be revenge on anyone for anything and he declared the house of his worst enemy, Abu Sufian, the safe haven for all Meccans who wanted refuge. Not one drop of blood was shed in this amazing battle. While living in Madinah until the end of his life, he never built any property, land or gathered wealth for himself. He lived humbly in Madinah until the end the way he started his life in Madinah in the beginning. He is said to have said to his companions and followers who were arguing with a Jew as to whether the Prophet Moses (PBUH) is more honorable or Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), “Do not give me supremacy over even the Prophet Jonah (PBUH)”. The meaning being that the Prophet Jonah (PBUH) is documented to have left his people out of anger and then was reprimanded for his action by God by being thrown into the open sea.

Another important characteristic of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), which greatly impacted his followers in his time and still does today, is his politeness and his well manners. God testifies to this very important character of the Prophet in the Holy Quran by saying “And you stand on an exalted standard of character” (Quran, chapter 68, verse 4). The Prophet himself has said, “I have been sent to perfect the manners of mankind” (Al-Bukhari). Throughout his life and in various biographies written about his life by Muslim and non-Muslim authors, we don’t find an example where he let go of his excellent manners and lost patience. His manners were exemplified with adults, children and every person of his society regardless of their faith. In one of his sayings he is documented to say, “Respect your elders and be kind to the children.” (Bukhari, chapter 10). Forgiveness of others was a very important part of the Prophet’s manners. During his last years of stay in Mecca, he once decided to travel to the nearby city of Taif in order to invite the people of the city to believe in One God. When he reached the city of Taif he met with the chieftains of the city and explained to them his message of monotheism and the Oneness of God. They did not accept his message and were very rude to him. In fact they instructed the youth of the city to drive him out of the city. On his way out he was pelted with rocks and all sorts of objects by the youth of the city. As a result when he came out of the city his whole body was bleeding. When he rested in a nearby place with one of his companions who had accompanied him to the trip, the Arch Angel Gabriel appeared to him and said that God has given you the option to punish the dwellers of Taif for their ill behavior. If you like, the city can be destroyed and crushed between two mountains as it was a valley. The response of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was not to bring any torment to the people of Taif and instead he prayed that one day the dwellers of the city might become amongst the believers of One God.
He said “No! For, I hope that God will bring forth from their loins people who will worship God alone, associating nothing with him.” (Abdulsalam,

These are just a few reflections from his characteristics, which impacted his followers and resulted in the formation of a civilization and culture on the foundation of truth, humbleness, kindness, humility, patience etc. The followers of Islam and others who study the life of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) continue to be impacted by the great character of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to this day and age and even non-Muslim scholars and historians who have examined his life profess to these qualities of the Prophet and testify to the impact it has had on the humanity and continues to have.

please correct any mistakes, and tell me what I can add to make it atleast 10 pages total.

3 answers

will someone check this for me, please?
Y -- It's time for you to write this paper independently. You can proof it yourself by slowly reading aloud or having someone else read it aloud to you.

If you have occasional questions, we'll be glad to help you -- but essentially the college wants to see the kind of work you can do independently.

Good luck!
A couple of style comments.

It is not good style to start a couple of paragraphs with "Another important ..."

For a conclusion the last sentence is too long.