this is what I have for the linear regression equation
.614(21) +51.200=64.094
It was thought that students who dressed more neatly received better grades. To test this idea, a researcher rated each student on neatness of dress and obtained their grades on a standard school achievement test. The data are presented below. Higher scores indicate higher neatness and higher test grades.
Student Neatness Rating Achievement Test Grade
1 18 60
2 24 58
3 14 70
4 19 58
5 20 66
6 23 68
7 20 65
8 22 68
9 15 56
10 21 62
11 10 55
12 30 75
13 13 50
14 9 65
15 22 64
How do I solve this problem?
And what test grade would you predict for a student that has a neatness rating of 21?
i. Is that the best estimate? Why or Why not?
Does the regression line equation change if you make grades the independent variable and neatness the dependent variable? Why or why not?
1 answer