It was a very cold day -10 C. Victor went outside to pick up the morning newspaper. He quickly noticed the icicle that formed on the nearby flagpole. Curiosity got the best of him, and he decided to lick the ice on the flagpole. Instantly, Victor's tongue is attached to the pole! How much heat was lost during this encounter? (Details: Victor's body temp is 37 C, saliva is basically water, and the dimensions of Victor's saliva coated tongue is 4.00cm x 6.00 cm x 0.1 cm.

1 answer

volume of saliva on the tongue is 4.00cm x 6.00xm x 0.1 cm = ? cc.
I guess we're supposing the saliva is pure H2O, density of H2O is 1 g/cc; therefore, mass of the saliva is ?cc x 1.00 g/cc = ?
Then q lost = mass saliva x specific heat H2O x (Tfinal-Tinitial)
Note: Tfinal is -10C and Tinitial is 37; therefore, delta T is 47.