It nurtured a positive relationship between the Native Americans of Washington and European settlers.

It made European settlers believe that they had the right to the lands of Washington.
It often resulted in the takeover of Native American land by European settlers.
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Why was the Pacific Northwest referred to as the “final frontier”?(1 point)
The Pacific Northwest was the site of the last battle between the native people and European settlers.
The exploration and settlement of the Pacific Northwest marked the end of all exploration by the world powers.
The Pacific Northwest was the last known uncharted territory that the world powers believed they could claim.
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Which of James Cook’s discoveries affected Washington most directly?(1 point)
the discovery of the Northwest Passage
the discovery of the Columbia River
the discovery of Nootka Bay
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How did Robert Gray support the eventual development of Chinook Jargon?(1 point)
He was the first American to trade with the Chinook people.
He helped George Vancouver develop the basics of Chinook Jargon.
His crew were able to translate the Chinook language.
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How did Captain Cook’s crew discover the value of sea otter fur?(1 point)
Native Americans told them about the value of the fur in China.
When in China, they noticed that the fur was highly prized by the wealthy.
Chinese sea merchants told them about it when at the Nootka Sound.
Maritime fur trade was so profitable because sea otter fur was scarce in China, so the Chinese paid
high prices for it. (1 point)
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Which of the following is true of the Nootka Sound Controversy’s resolution? Select all that apply.
(1 point)
The Spanish could claim any location they were able to build a settlement on.
The British were free to trade anywhere above the 42nd parallel.
The British were free to fish anywhere above the 42nd parallel.
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Which of the following are accomplishments of George Vancouver? Select all that apply.(1 point)
mapped the Puget Sound
negotiated the Nootka Sound Controversy
first to trade with Chinook people
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Which river did President Thomas Jefferson want Lewis and Clark to especially explore?(1 point)
Columbia River
Missouri River
Mississippi River
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Lewis and Clark brought Sacagawea with them to do the cooking. (1 point)
The Corps of Discovery stayed at Fort Clatsop from November to March. Why did they stay so long
before returning to St. Louis?(1 point)
to map their route and weather harsh winter conditions
to negotiate passage through the Teton Sioux lands
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to hire enough people to help with the return journey
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How did the Nez Perce tribe help the Corps of Discovery on the expedition?(1 point)
They helped negotiate treaties with other tribes.
They provided medical assistance to the injured men.
They gave horses and helped navigate the route.
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How did the expedition of Lewis and Clark influence John Astor?(1 point)
Astor saw a way to make a profit building trading posts along the route.
Astor believed he could raise money by providing guides along the route.
Astor provided Lewis and Clark’s maps to trappers for a large profit.
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How did the Treaty of Ghent influence the United States and Great Britain?(1 point)
Each believed that the other country was going to back down, so settlement slowed.
The treaty discouraged future settlement by individuals until after large companies claimed land.
It encouraged them to settle as much of the Pacific Northwest as possible in order to claim it.
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Why did the British government force the Hudson Bay Company to merge with the North West
Company in 1821?(1 point)
The American Fur Company wanted to reclaim all the forts sold during the war.
The British government wanted to end the hostilities between the two companies.
The British government wanted to strengthen the British presence in the region.
Which of the following changes did John McLoughlin make to the Hudson Bay Company? Select all
that apply.(1 point)
He moved the headquarters to Fort Vancouver.
He brought the first steamboat to the Northwest.
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He broke off trade relations with England.
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How did attitudes toward Native Americans affect the development of industry in Washington?(1 point)
Fur traders would deal only with European and American hunters because they thought their methods were mo
Europeans and Americans resisted Native American methods of resource management and overhunted in the
European and American traders were reluctant to trade knives and other tools because they were worried that
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The Spokane House was important for Mountain Men because it was the location of the rendezvous.
(1 point)

3 answers

answer them all please
1. It nurtured a positive relationship between the Native Americans of Washington and European settlers.
2. The Pacific Northwest was the last known uncharted territory that the world powers believed they could claim.
3. The discovery of the Columbia River.
4. He was the first American to trade with the Chinook people.
5. Maritime fur trade was so profitable because sea otter fur was scarce in China, so the Chinese paid high prices for it.
6. False. The British were free to trade anywhere above the 42nd parallel, but the other statements are not accurate.
7. George Vancouver mapped the Puget Sound.
8. Columbia River.
9. False. Sacagawea served as an interpreter and guide, not as a cook.
10. To map their route and weather harsh winter conditions.
11. They gave horses and helped navigate the route.
12. Astor saw a way to make a profit building trading posts along the route.
13. The treaty discouraged future settlement by individuals until after large companies claimed land.
14. The British government wanted to strengthen the British presence in the region.
15. He moved the headquarters to Fort Vancouver.
16. Europeans and Americans resisted Native American methods of resource management and overhunted in the region.
17. False. The Spokane House was not the location of the rendezvous for Mountain Men.