It is time for opposition to the Annexation of Texas to cease.... Texas is now ours.... Let their reception into the "family" be frank, kindly, and cheerful (O)ther nations have undertaken ... hostile interference against us, ... h pering our power, limiting our greatness and checking the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence (God) for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions.

California will, probably, next fall away from (Mexico).... Imbecile and distracted, Mexico never can exert any real governmental authority over such a country... The Anglo-Saxon foot is already on (California's) borders.... ?
armed with the plough and the rifle, and marking its trail with schools and colleges. courts and representative halls, mills and meeting-houses.... All this (will happen) in the natural flow of events...

How does John O’Sullivan feel about the United States annexing Texas?

1 answer

John O’Sullivan feels strongly in favor of the United States annexing Texas. He believes that it is time for opposition to the Annexation of Texas to cease and that Texas should be welcomed into the "family" with a frank, kindly, and cheerful attitude. He also believes that the United States should take advantage of the opportunity to expand its power, greatness, and manifest destiny by annexing California as well. He sees the United States as a powerful nation, armed with the plough and the rifle, and marking its trail with schools and colleges, courts and representative halls, mills and meeting-houses. He believes that this expansion is part of the natural flow of events.