It is helpful to discuss the past because it helps create a beneficial understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
It is helpful to discuss the past because it helps create a(1 point)
system in which only certain people’s contributions are valued.
system in which only certain people’s contributions are valued.
beneficial understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
beneficial understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
list of dates and events to be memorized.
list of dates and events to be memorized.
single, agreed upon, and unified interpretation of history.
9 answers
tells one story that everyone has agreed on.
tells one story that everyone has agreed on.
does not allow for us to see similar stories and experiences to our own.
does not allow for us to see similar stories and experiences to our own.
allows us to focus on one person’s perspective.
allows us to focus on one person’s perspective.
allows us to see ourselves as a valued part of a larger human story.
The study of history helps foster a sense of inclusion because it allows us to see ourselves as a valued part of a larger human story.
make judgments about groups of people.
make judgments about groups of people.
not repeat the same mistakes.
not repeat the same mistakes.
avoid present-day problems.
avoid present-day problems.
gain a better understanding of our world today.
It is important to discuss the past in order to gain a better understanding of our world today.
It allows us to interact with primary sources such as textbooks and journal articles.
It allows us to interact with primary sources such as textbooks and journal articles.
It helps us avoid historiography.
It helps us avoid historiography.
It encourages us to form biases.
It encourages us to form biases.
It helps us understand ourselves and the world around us.
It helps us understand ourselves and the world around us.
The study of history is important because it helps us understand ourselves and the world around us.
listening to an academic lecture about history.
listening to an academic lecture about history.
reading a book about history.
reading a book about history.
conducting an investigation about history.
conducting an investigation about history.
forming an opinion about a historical event.
Historical analysis is most like conducting an investigation about history.