it is estimated that sales in the coming period will be br. 6000 & that FC will be br. 1000 & variable costs br. 3600, develop the total cost equation & the breakeven revenue.
11 answers
Its answer
you spelled mathematics wrong
just sayin
And you spelt saying wrong.
have you never heard of slang?
have you never heard of slang?
the oobleck above is an imposter
well, thats rude...
I heard of slang but that’s not slang what u said. It’s sayin’ not “saying
So apparently YOU don’t know what it is.
Answer: Y = X + 1000 = 0.6X + 1000
Where Y = Total Cost
X = Total revenue
BER = Xe =
Where Y = Total Cost
X = Total revenue
BER = Xe =
Answer: Y = 3600/6000X + 1000 = 0.6X + 1000