The tone conveyed by the text is concerned and critical. The author expresses frustration regarding the ongoing oil spills and the lack of effective action to address them. There's a sense of urgency in highlighting the need for better safety measures and the innovative, eco-friendly solutions that are available but not widely adopted by the oil industry. This tone suggests a call to action for both awareness and the implementation of better practices in dealing with environmental disasters.
The main idea of the second paragraph is the introduction of an innovative solution to oil spills known as the mycoboom, created by mycologist Paul Stamets. The paragraph emphasizes the effectiveness of this solution—filled with oyster mushrooms that can digest oil—compared to traditional oil containment methods, which have not been very successful. It highlights the potential of the mycoboom to clean up oil spills more effectively but notes that its use has been limited despite its promise.
The second paragraph interacts with the first paragraph by expanding on the theme of the need for improved safety and environmental solutions in response to oil spills. The first paragraph sets up the issue of ongoing oil spills and the ineffectiveness of current methods, creating a backdrop of urgency and concern. The second paragraph introduces a specific innovative solution (the mycoboom) that addresses the problems raised in the first paragraph. By presenting this alternative, the second paragraph reinforces the idea that effective solutions exist and should be embraced, thus creating a contrast between the potential for progress and the current stagnation in dealing with oil spill cleanups.
It happens way too often: oil leaking from wells beneath the ocean or tankers
spilling their cargo into the waves. One disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, called the
Taylor oil spill, has been leaking hundreds of barrels of oil per day into the ocean
for the past fourteen years. That safety should be a higher priority is a no-brainer.
But something can be done to clean up oil spills—something that doesn’t involve
pouring chemical cleanup agents into our already fouled waters. And yet, the oil
industry has not embraced this smart, safe method.
This innovative method involves mushrooms. Mycologist Paul Stamets has
invented something called the mycoboom. This large canvas tube is filled with a
type of oyster mushroom that digests oil. Regular oil containment booms are used
to protect shorelines from spills—but without much success. In contrast, tests
show that the mycoboom is hugely successful because it actually breaks down oil
and cleans the water. Yet, it has only been used in a few small-scale cleanups.
Meanwhile, oil continues to spill into the Gulf of Mexico.
1) What tone is conveyed by the text? Explain.
2) What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
3) How does the second paragraph interact with the first paragraph?
11 answers
Sure! Here’s a simplified version with shorter sentences:
The tone of the text is concerned and critical. The author is frustrated about ongoing oil spills. There is urgency for better safety measures. The text highlights eco-friendly solutions that are not being adopted.
The main idea of the second paragraph is that there is an innovative solution to oil spills called the mycoboom. This solution uses oyster mushrooms that can digest oil. It is more effective than traditional oil containment methods. However, it has only been used in a few small cleanups.
The second paragraph builds on the first one. The first paragraph discusses the problem of oil spills and ineffective cleanup methods. The second paragraph offers a specific solution (the mycoboom). It shows that a better solution exists but is not widely used, emphasizing the need for action.
Sure! Here are very short sentences defining each term:
Explicit information: Explicit information is clearly stated and directly expressed in the text.
Inference: Inference is a conclusion drawn from evidence and reasoning, rather than from explicit statements.
Textual evidence: Textual evidence consists of quotes or references from the text that support an argument or claim.
However, Gutenberg’s press was actually building on inventions that appeared centuries
earlier in China. A Buddhist book called The Diamond Sutra, printed around 868 C.E., is the
oldest known printed book. It was printed using page-sized panels of wood blocks. These
blocks were carved by hand with Chinese characters shown in reverse. Soon, more printed
texts began to replace the traditional rolled-up scrolls. Calendars, dictionaries, and funeral
and wedding guides were printed in the same way. Eventually, metal plates replaced the card
wood blocks.
Write one inference you can make from the text on the printing press. Then write the text evidence that supports your inference.
Inference: The development of the printing press was an evolving process that built on earlier technologies from different cultures.
Textual Evidence: The text states, "Gutenberg’s press was actually building on inventions that appeared centuries earlier in China," and mentions the use of "page-sized panels of wood blocks" for printing, highlighting that earlier methods were in place before Gutenberg's innovations.
The textual evidence that explicitly states when printed text first appeared is: "A Buddhist book called The Diamond Sutra, printed around 868 C.E., is the oldest known printed book."
now. He was on a the local baseball team and today he was running late for a game. As he
was walking down the street he saw an older woman trying to cross, but she seemed to be
struggling. He went over to find out if he could help. She told him that she was late for a
doctor's appointment but was afraid she would not be able to cross the street and get to the
bus stop before the light changed. Even though it would make him late for his game, Junior
took the time to see her safely across the street. He also took some extra time to sit with her
while she waited for the bus.
1) What is an explicit point that is made in the text?
2) What is one inference you can make about Junior from the text?
3) What text evidence supports your inference in question 2?
An explicit point made in the text is that Junior has been playing baseball for 10 years and is currently on the local baseball team.
One inference that can be made about Junior is that he is kind and selfless, putting the needs of others before his own.
The text evidence that supports this inference is: "Even though it would make him late for his game, Junior took the time to see her safely across the street." This indicates that he chose to help the older woman despite the fact that it would delay him.