The issue really is what langauages do you want students to be competent in: reading, writing, and speaking? Often, it is valuable to have more than one language.
Secondly, it is very often that our history and culture is transmitted through literature and oral traditions, to understand ourselves and others, one has to be competent in those languages in order to grasp history, and from whence we came, and perhaps, are going.
It for speech i represent at school.english is the language of opportunity.why bother to teach indigenous languages?
14 answers
no idea
Better communicate in English because its the best for all people
English is the language that u use to communicate best with people from all corners of this world
we talk and communicate with evry one in english that is y we sy it is the language of opportunities
thank you
thank you
Oh yes it is,imean if u're in some plyc asking 4 a street or building dat u really don't know and u come accross a white,coloured,indian or a black person that maybe a zulu,venda,pedi etc,what lang will u use?We use this lang 2 communicate with everyone
Yes because most of people are communicate in english
we need to communicat in english because we hav many visitors in south africa and they speak many different langauges that why we need to learn more english to understand each other....
Yaah english is important bcs as we learn we could go 2 athr country that they not speak isizulu bt thy use english only n u,u don't knw what can u do if thy speak they language we must try to speak english and ather language
It is bcz when ur parent receive letters somewhere u'll fnd dat dey ar nt able to read so u'll need 2 read for dem n explain
Yes it is ,but is for the best to nw other languages beside english
yes it s because it help us to be communicating with other who don't understand our language
only we must know is that,the i English is the medium of instruction
Oyena Nxadi