ISRC. 2018. CONSTITUTION of the INSTITUTIONAL STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL of the UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE. Available at docs/default-source/policy-institutional-documents/the-constitution-of-the-institutional-student-representative-council.pdf?sfvrsn=5a9e8721_0 [Accessed 14 March 2024]

Ufsbloemfonteinsrc. (2023) ZAMA ZULU: CSRC ARTS AND CULTURE COUNCIL [instagram], 08 December. Available at /intagram/p/C0l7h73syAi/?gsh=cGozeDNiZmpjc2s1 [Accessed 14 March 2024].

Dawson, M. C., & Sinwell, L. (2012). "Ethical and political challenges of participatory action research in the academy: Reflections on social movements and knowledge production in South Africa." Social Movement Studies, 11(2), 177–191.

Gillan, K & Pickerill, J. 2012. “The Difficult and Hopeful Ethics of Research on, and with, Social Movements”. Social Movements Studies. 11(2), 133-14

Pichardo, N.A. 1997. “New Social Movements: A Critical Review”. Annual Review of Sociology, 23, 411-430

Buechler, S.M. 1995. “New Social Movement Theories”. The Sociological Quarterly, 36(3), 441-464

Beauchamp, T. L., & Childress, J. F. (2013). Principles of biomedical ethics. Oxford University Press.

Smith, A. (2019). The ethics of activism: An exploration of social justice movements. Journal of Social Justice Studies, 15(2), 45-63.

McAdam, D., Tarrow, S., & Tilly, C. (2001). Dynamics of contention. Cambridge University Press.
Rearrange the above references in alphabetical order

1 answer

Buechler, S.M. 1995. “New Social Movement Theories”. The Sociological Quarterly, 36(3), 441-464

Beauchamp, T. L., & Childress, J. F. (2013). Principles of biomedical ethics. Oxford University Press.

Dawson, M. C., & Sinwell, L. (2012). "Ethical and political challenges of participatory action research in the academy: Reflections on social movements and knowledge production in South Africa." Social Movement Studies, 11(2), 177–191.

Gillan, K & Pickerill, J. 2012. “The Difficult and Hopeful Ethics of Research on, and with, Social Movements”. Social Movements Studies. 11(2), 133-145

ISRC. 2018. CONSTITUTION of the INSTITUTIONAL STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL of the UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE. Available at docs/default-source/policy-institutional-documents/the-constitution-of-the-institutional-student-representative-council.pdf?sfvrsn=5a9e8721_0 [Accessed 14 March 2024]

McAdam, D., Tarrow, S., & Tilly, C. (2001). Dynamics of contention. Cambridge University Press.

Pichardo, N.A. 1997. “New Social Movements: A Critical Review”. Annual Review of Sociology, 23, 411-430

Smith, A. (2019). The ethics of activism: An exploration of social justice movements. Journal of Social Justice Studies, 15(2), 45-63

Ufsbloemfonteinsrc. (2023) ZAMA ZULU: CSRC ARTS AND CULTURE COUNCIL [instagram], 08 December. Available at /intagram/p/C0l7h73syAi/?gsh=cGozeDNiZmpjc2s1 [Accessed 14 March 2024].