

Time Founded

Location Founded

Nature of God

Holy book

1 answer

Founder: Muhammad
Time Founded: 7th century
Location Founded: Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia
Nature of God: Monotheistic, belief in Allah as the one and only God
Holy Book: Quran

Founder: Abraham, Moses, and other prophets
Time Founded: Around 18th century BCE
Location Founded: Ancient Canaan (present-day Israel and Palestine)
Nature of God: Monotheistic, belief in Yahweh as the one and only God
Holy Book: Torah, which consists of the five books of Moses (also known as the Pentateuch)

Founder: Jesus Christ
Time Founded: 1st century
Location Founded: Jerusalem, Palestine
Nature of God: Monotheistic, belief in the Holy Trinity - God the Father, Jesus Christ (Son of God), and the Holy Spirit
Holy Book: Bible, which includes the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and the New Testament (focused on the life and teachings of Jesus)