Is Wind Power Green?
I am writing a paper and I need to put together an outline of my final paper. I would just like to know if the following paragraph I have put together can serve as a thesis statement?
"The idea that the world is reaching a possible peak in oil production is creating a buzz about renewable energy. One such type form of renewable energy being explored is wind power generated by the wind and it can be done without depleting the availability of wind as a resource. Renewable energy is thought of as taboo because we have been dependent on nonrenewable resources for so long. There are individuals and groups who have a stake in nonrenewable resources and are against any form of renewable resource. The sad part is that in an attempt to keep us dependent on minerals and fossil fuels, as well as keeping their bottom line from being affected, they have us doubting whether or not wind power is green. "
Thank you,
7 answers
Please study this site for information about thesis statements.
NOTE: In the “Sample: Outline,” it states that the thesis statement is the last one to three sentences of the introduction. However, the thesis statement must be one sentence in length and the last sentence of the introduction.)
Therefore, my question would be does the last sentence represent a thesis statement?
Are you going to support the statement that "they have us doubting whether or not wind power is green."?
I hope you won't use those exact words.