I haven't seen this film either. This article may help you.
Is Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory considered a social outcast in the movie?
I have to write an essay but we didn't watch the whole movie so I was just wondering to anyone who has seen it.
4 answers
I wouldn't label him an outcast. He was definitely eccentric, and had daddy issues (which Charlie helped him with). Whole movie? You should know this is a great book before you see the movie.
I am eccentric very definitely (a physicist, and engineer, inventor, and a beekeeper). Does that make me weird, or an outcast? Nope. Just human, as was Willie
I am eccentric very definitely (a physicist, and engineer, inventor, and a beekeeper). Does that make me weird, or an outcast? Nope. Just human, as was Willie
He was an outcast... He was isolated from society and eat peanuts
which one are you talking about the old good one or the newer creepy one you will have to watch both but the old one is called willy wonka and the chocolate factory or the new one that is called charlie and the chocolate factory