Do you consider that to be a short sentence??
is this syntax because the author uses short sentences "why, no one on our side had even though of firing a gun, because when you came right down to it, we didn't like guns and did not believe in them"
8 answers
no ,but the sentences are combined together run on
could this be diction
That's not a run-on. That's a complex sentence. It has one main (independent) clause and two subordinate (dependent) clauses.
The syntax of the sentence tells me what kind of sentence it is.
The syntax of the sentence tells me what kind of sentence it is.
Diction refers to the author's choice of words.
so this is not a syntax so could this be a diction
no its not a diction and not a syntax is this correct
There is no correct terminology as "a syntax" or "a diction."
What are your exact directions for this?
What are your exact directions for this?