Is this good on why the interview with Mary Domsky-Abrams who is a survivor in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire.
The way she explained the fire and how treacherous it was. By explaining the terror she felt and on others, of how they acted. also, by describing the citizens reactions from their family members that was in the fire. for example, she said ,"My grandchildren, Friday night, played a record on the victrola, 'God and His Judgment is Just. I ask you," she said, lifting her hands to heaven, it Your Judgment truly just? And she said to me: "You're an atheist, so God didn't punish you, but my granddaughters were pious girls, so it must be better to be like you and not to serve God..." The old woman broke into tears, and we barely were able to quiet her.” This shows how strong and horrifying the fire was with just this lady's interview.
1 answer
Your ideas are good. Now you need to proofread and edit it. Be sure to use complete sentences.