Is this good enough info for my school project?
i wrote this all by myself- and all my info i put into my own words...
directions- Analyze the media bias you see in the 1912 article about the Titanic. Discuss the possible reasons that led reporters to believe the White Star hype. Then consider how hype or propaganda may bias reporting today. Give examples if you can.
Everyone who were involved with creating the Titanic claimed it was unsinkable, witch was not true or false, no one knew because no one tested it- they just claimed it was unsinkable because it was made with two million steel, and that got almost everyone's eye. I think that the white star line is at fault. First of all there were not enough life boats for all the people on the Titanic. The ships crew didn't bother dealing with the six ice warnings that were severe and dangerous condition. They told people that the Titanic was not sinking, but it was sinking they wanted nothing to do with it. They didn't want to be responsible for all of those death's.
Plz let me know!
>3 Pākā
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