is this good conclusion Bradbury and Scott illustrate how the control of technology dehumanises individuals in authoritarian governments who follow intellectual curiosity and enforce conformity. Control of technology still poses a threat today through pervasive surveillance by both governments involving the collection of personal privacy with advanced technology like facial recognition and monitoring of online records. The lesson that both works of literature aim to convey to the audience is that they alert to the dehumanising consequences of technology of control being the core of censorship and enforce the importance of preserving intellectual curiosity and freedom of conformity.
1 answer
Overall, Bradbury and Scott both provide powerful insights into the dangers of technology being used as a tool for control and surveillance. By depicting the dehumanizing effects of such misuse, they urge readers to remain skeptical of government practices that infringe upon individual freedoms in the name of security. The ultimate message is clear: maintaining intellectual curiosity and resisting conformity are essential in safeguarding the rights and dignity of all individuals in society.