Is this ethical behavior?

Is it ethical to take office supplies from work for home use?

Is it ethical to use company time to solicit signatures for a petition nconcerning a current social issue?

If there are sslight defects in a product you are selling are you obligated to tell the buyer?

Is it ethical to make long distance phone calls from the office?

Is it ethical to use company time for personal business (doctor appointment)

Suppose you have a friend who works at a ticket office of the convention center where your facorite performer will be appearing. Is it ethical for you to ask the friend to get you tickets?

How do you tell the difference between a bribe and a gift?
A gift is someone that chooses to give you something out of generosity or a special occasion. A bribe is someone willing to give you something if you do what they want.

If you exaggerate in an interview is this ethical?

Is it immoral(unethical) to do less than your best in terms of work performance?

Are transfers that break up families a breach of ethics?

2 answers

Are you suppose to just put anything you want
I agree with all of your answers. I assume you've followed the guidelines in your text about ethical behavior.