is this correct>?

Quand j’ai choisis ma niveau d’éducation, ma liste des carriers n’a changé pas. Je veux aller au l’université et pour la majorité de mes emplois tu dois aller au l’université pour le faire.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Always check the spelling, gender, word order. Be sure you have a good dictionary French/English and English/French.

Check the past participle of choisir = choisi. The word "niveau" is masculine, singular. The word "carriers" means "quarrymen" and you probably mean "careers?" The "ne.....pas" works around the auxiliary/helping verb = n'a pas changé. The word "université" is feminine singular (twice.) Are you sure you mean "for the majority of my employments YOU ought to go to the university?"

Feel free to make all the corrections and repost for final proofreading.