truce is ok
The others stink.
Livery. Why are you using that archiac meaning. It commonly means feed for horses, or uniforms for manservant.
Valor: The vampire hunter may have exhibited valor in his task, however, he is dead.
Procure. It took some effort to procure livery for his animals, as the snowstorm had closed all businesses.
Beguile: Eve said " It is the serpent who will beguile me". Adam said: "And it is you who beguiled me"
Is this a good sentence using the words:
Procure: to get possession of; achieve
If you study hard you will procure good grades.
Beguile: to lead by deception; divert
The dog beguiled the thief's attention away from the cowering people towards him.
Truce: a suspension of fighting especially of considerable duration by agreement of opposing forces
The kids wanted to have a truce with the
bullies, but they disagreed.
Valor: personal bravery; strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness
The vampire hunter was valor because any second he had to spare, he went in search of vampires.
Livery: archaic; the opportunity of provisions especially to servants
The castle had very livery ways for the servants
1 answer