is this a correct english to submit?

Called Cindy her brother's surgery went well, he is stable and back at home, he will be attending for a wound care every week, we prayed trusting God for complete healing.

5 answers

Here is a revised version of your sentence:

"I called Cindy and she informed me that her brother's surgery went well. He is now stable and back home. Additionally, he will be attending wound care appointments every week. We are all praying and trusting God for his complete healing."
Called Allison wished her a happy birthday and she was grateful for a phone call
I called Allison to wish her a happy birthday, and she expressed gratitude for the phone call.
Called Charlote wished a happy for Monday, we prayed and trusting God for healing over mental and God's guidance for 2024.
she is interested in joining frontline
I called Charlotte to wish her a happy Monday and prayed for her healing and God's guidance in 2024. She expressed interest in joining the frontline.