Is there really such a thing as altruism? Why or why

not? What motivates people to help?

please help me answer this question I don't know the meaning of Altruism?

3 answers

Altruism is the selfless concern for the welfare of others. In order to answer this question you have to think why people help others (which is more philosophical).
I am always amazed at the opera in the back of the program the listings of contributors, listing them in categories such as
Grand Patron
Program Supporter
Or on buildings the nice cast plaques with names on them? Or even at my church's "memorial" garden, bricks with names on them.
Altruism requires no extrinsic/external reward. The deed is self-rewarding (intrinsic). In other words, the good feeling you get — and possibly an improvement in your self image — is adequate. The plaques or listing of contributors are extrinsic. An anonymous donation would be intrinsic.

Here is an article that might help:

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.