Is there any plagiarism in this essay? The topic is about "why there should be shorter school days?" Also if there is no plagiarism is the essay good? If not wheres the mistakes?
Is there any plagiarism in this essay?
Topic: Why school days should be shorter?
Education times are often longer than they should take. The shortened education could help students. Additionally, it would be great for everyone, including students, teachers, administrators.
Few reasons why school should be shortened are, schools can affect a student(s) future. Students really don’t want to go to to school but they have to because they want a good job and a family. If they fail school, then they will have a awful job. They're forced to have great grades. Mostly in highschool, srudents will care little bit more about their grades.
Another reason is, students will be less engaged in class if school is long. Second reason is, the student(s) can fail school, it may because the student is stressed about their grades or project/assements/quizzes. Students will be mostly tried to focus in class. They’ll be too tired to participate, and they will receive bad grades, due to the student(s) being tired.
Other reason is, the student cannot spend time with there family and friends, students might have after school activities, and if the student has many homework, they will stay up just to finish their homework and be tired in the morning because of the homework. Even If the student finishes his/her homework’s, and she/he gets a D or F, than the parents/teachers will be mad at the child.
5th reason is, students won’t skip school go to the mall or something with their friends.
The students will learn the same amount of information, in a shorter days because they students will want to learn. Students will want to go to school. The student will have more free time to do their after-school activities and spend with their family/friends.
I need a conclusion about why school days should be shorter.
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