Is there a website that tell all things that are invented like a thread-spinning mill, metal plow, a telegraph, etc.

That also tells who invtented it.

I have a worksheet that says that I have to write the inventer (builder) who invented blah blah blah blah and then how did it impact our lifes

I found to find out who invent for the following things -
• Thread-spinning mill
• Telegraph
• Power loom for mills
• Steamboat (first successful)
• Metal plow
• Sewing machine
• Cotton gin
• Mechanical reaper
• Vulcanized rubber

5 answers

I don't know of any single website that gives that information.

Google each of those inventions.

Example: thread-spinning mill inventor

You're welcome.
it really helps a lot

thanks again :)
Its called google,
Microsoft edge,
or Mozilla Firefox