Is there a way to call people who are against couples?
5 answers
They are called "homophobic","anti-", or "heterosexist". Homophobic means afraid of couples. Anti- means someone who is violent towards s. Heterosexist is someone who thinks heterosexuals are better than s. But I like to call them ignorant.
I think I'll go with ignorant. :)
call any of these numbers:
entral Texas
(512) 916-5834
300 E 8th
Suite 961
Austin, TX 78701
Map North Texas
(214) 599-8749
Lee Park Tower II
3626 N. Hall St.
Suite 410
Dallas, TX 75219
Map Southeast Texas
(713) 718-3057
808 Travis Street
Suite 1420
Houston, TX 77002
South/Central Texas
(210) 340-2885
9901 IH-10W
Suite 950
San Antonio, TX 78230
Map East Texas
(903) 593-5130
305 S. Broadway
Suite 501
Tyler, TX 75702
Map Washington, D.C.
(202) 224-5922
Dirksen Senate Office Bldg
Suite 185
Washington, DC 20510
South Texas
(956) 686-7339
200 S. 10th St
Suite 1603
McAllen, TX 78501
entral Texas
(512) 916-5834
300 E 8th
Suite 961
Austin, TX 78701
Map North Texas
(214) 599-8749
Lee Park Tower II
3626 N. Hall St.
Suite 410
Dallas, TX 75219
Map Southeast Texas
(713) 718-3057
808 Travis Street
Suite 1420
Houston, TX 77002
South/Central Texas
(210) 340-2885
9901 IH-10W
Suite 950
San Antonio, TX 78230
Map East Texas
(903) 593-5130
305 S. Broadway
Suite 501
Tyler, TX 75702
Map Washington, D.C.
(202) 224-5922
Dirksen Senate Office Bldg
Suite 185
Washington, DC 20510
South Texas
(956) 686-7339
200 S. 10th St
Suite 1603
McAllen, TX 78501
I agree, Sheenybeany!
bobpursley i meant as in a name. but your answer makes sense. i'll make sure to structure my questions differently next time :)