Is the The Indians worship at the column erected by the French, A secondary source

can you give me valid information on why?
can you give me reliable information on why?
can you give me credible information on why?

1 answer

Determining the reliability, validity, and credibility of information depends on the sources consulted. In this case, it is unclear which specific column or indigenous group is being referred to. However, I can provide a general response based on historical context.

1. Secondary source: A secondary source refers to information that is derived from the analysis or interpretation of primary sources. Without knowing the exact source, it is difficult to determine if the information is secondary. Generally, secondary sources can provide a broader perspective and analysis rather than firsthand accounts.

2. Valid information: Valid information is supported by evidence and is considered accurate or true. To assess the validity, one must consider the credibility and reliability of the sources used to provide the information. Without specific sources, it is difficult to determine if the information is valid.

3. Reliable information: Reliable information comes from trustworthy and reputable sources. Evaluating reliability requires assessing the credibility, expertise, and reputation of the source providing the information. Without specific sources, it is hard to determine if the information is reliable.

4. Credible information: Credible information is derived from trustworthy and reliable sources. Evaluating credibility includes considering factors such as the author's qualifications, reputation, and the source's overall reliability. Without the specific sources, determining credibility is challenging.

To obtain valid, reliable, and credible information on why indigenous people may worship a column erected by the French, it would be necessary to consult well-established historical records, academic research, and accounts from anthropologists or indigenous communities with expertise in that specific context.