Remember that integers can be either positive or negative.
Is the sum of two integers always greater than the difference between them? Why or why not? Give examples to support your answer.
12 answers
The answer is no.
ANY EXAMPLES??? Opps caps sorry. Also i would like help on this please.
is the sum of two integers greater then the difference between them. Please give an example
The answer is no. Both signs can either turn the integers into positives or negatives respectively. Example; if you add -5+(-5)= -10 but if you subtract -5-(-5)= 0. 0 is greater than -10.
I hope this helped :)
I hope this helped :)
thanks Aubrey
i need another example please! someone already used this in my class
yeah someone used this in my class too
wait correction like 5 people used this in my class😂
wait i meant to put " Help plz " not " Anonymous "
Just change 5
to what