is the sentence:

slough is very prominent in many households that are in the slums

gramatically correct?

how do i use slough in a sentence?

6 answers

I doubt if muddy ground or a snake skin is prominent in any households.

Please check these definitions, including a couple of examples about how they are used.
i used the definition

4. a condition of degradation, despair, or helplessness.
Then your sentence is o.k. But it's not a common definition of slough.
that is the definition we were given, how else would you write a sentence with slough

also can you check over this sentence.
martha, a perfectionist, started over because she got a FECK of sharpie on her project

was feck used properly?
sorry. fleck**
Janie was in a slough after her dog died.

Yes, you used "feck" correctly.