do you mean?
hint: L'Hopital's Rule
take the derivative of the numerator and denominator
& then plug in zero
is the limit as x approaches 0 of sin3x over 3x equal to zero?
thank you!
3 answers
lim [sin 3x / 4x)
x-> 0
i multiplied& eventually got to
.75* lim (sin 3x / 3x)
x-> 0
so i figured since (lim (sinx/x)
x-> 0
was equal to zero, then
lim (sin3x/ 3x) also equaled 0
x-> 0
is that right? thank you
lim [sin 3x / 4x)
x-> 0
i multiplied& eventually got to
.75* lim (sin 3x / 3x)
x-> 0
so i figured since (lim (sinx/x)
x-> 0
was equal to zero, then
lim (sin3x/ 3x) also equaled 0
x-> 0
is that right? thank you
take the derivative of the numerator and denominator individually.
then, plug in zero for x.
hint: chain rule
then, plug in zero for x.
hint: chain rule