Is the following an example of (A) precision, or (B) accuracy?

Applications for research leave, as defined in the University of the Free State’s Sabbatical Terms and Conditions1, will only be granted should the member of staff be able to prove that they will submit their research2 within three (3) months of the research leave being granted.


1 UFS Sabbatical Terms and Conditions V. 4.3. 2022: Section 4(a)

2 UFS Sabbatical Terms and Conditions: Section 9(d)

(A) Precision

(B) Accuracy

1 answer

The passage you've provided is an example of (A) precision.

Precision refers to the specific details and criteria outlined in the statement, such as the requirement to prove submission of research within three months. It focuses on the exactness and clarity of the conditions set forth, rather than the correctness or truthfulness of the overall statement (which would be related to accuracy).