Is the following a physical or chemical separations:
salt water --> water+ sodium chloride
Do you change the composition of the water? Do you change the composition of the salt. I can't say which because you don't tell me how you separated them. For example, if I electrolyze the water into H2 gas and O2 gas but leave the salt, it must be a chemical process because I changed the composition of the water. If, however, I evaporate the water and leave the salt, it is a physical process.
No I don't think I change the composition of the water.
Then it is a physical process.
It is clearly a chemical separation.
If I separate salt water into water and sodium chloride by fractional distillation, that is a physical separation. There is nothing chemical about it.
Except that we ARE separating two chemicals.
How do you sparate saltwater? This is a homework question so please give a simple answer. Thank you.