Is the book "The tale of two cites" By Charles Dickens considered histrorical fiction, if not what are some excellent historical fiction reading suggestions that have a good story and their time period that is able to reasearch with great information?
A Tale of Two Cities is an excellent protrayal of the French Revolution.
Another would be The Three Musketeers by Dumas.
One of the best relatively modern books of historical fiction is John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath
And, and even more recent book Cold Mountain , about the Civil War is an excellent read.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Red Badge of Courage is another good read, if you have the stomach for war.
I agree with GuruBlue and BobPursley -- and will add my nickel's worth.
Other novels you might check out are Edward Rutherford's long sagas about England, Russia, and Ireland or James Michener's historical fiction. I thoroughly enjoyed Leon Uris's Exodus about the founding of Israel. For prehistory, look into Jean Auel's "Clan of the Cave Bear" series. Finally -- for quick, light reading, there are many mystery novels set in historic times. Probably the most prolific mystery author of the last 30 years was Ellis Peters who wrote about Brother Cadfael, a monk in 12th century England.