Is technology good or bad for human relationships?
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Many believe that the desire to live a lifestyle complete with the latest technology becomes more important than the people and world around us.
Based on your reading and understanding of Thoreau, defend (support/agree), challenge (oppose/disagree), or qualify (agree or disagree but with exceptions) the above statement.
5 answers
However, if you post what you write (no 1st or 2nd drafts, please), someone may be able to critique your thinking and writing for you.
Well, the overall end decision of your opinion may be different, but people have found it useless to learn because they have everything given to them through devices. However, it does help, especially with communication. It hurts me to point this out, but people don't know how to communicate anymore. This is very heavily invoked by the usage of rather distracting technology. It's something I consider myself to be good at, but why help with technology to be ignored? Also, it's another bill.
1. Is technology good or bad for human relationships?
2. Based on your reading and understanding of Thoreau,
3. defend (support/agree), challenge (oppose/disagree), or qualify (agree or disagree but with exceptions) the above statement.
Once you've written your paper (because that's what this will take!), run it through a couple of times, revise, edit, and proof. After that, you may post it here if you want a tutor's reaction to your paper.
Here's a really good website to teach you how to write "defend, challenge, or disagree" papers:
Click on Convince, and read, learn, and write. This will probably take several drafts.