Selling school supplies to your classmates can be a gray area and depends on a few factors. Here are some things to consider:
School Policies: Many schools have specific rules about selling items on campus, especially if it's not authorized or if it's seen as a disruption to the learning environment. Check your school's handbook or ask a teacher or administrator.
Competition with Fundraisers: If your school has fundraisers (like from the PTA or student council) that sell similar items, selling your own supplies could be seen as competing with those efforts.
Permission: If you're considering this seriously, it might be a good idea to ask for permission from a teacher or school official. They may even help you formalize your idea or give you tips on how to go about it.
Intention and Impact: If your intention is to provide a helpful service and you’re not disrupting classes or the overall environment, it may be viewed more positively. However, keep in mind how it affects your peers and the school's atmosphere.
Finance Management: Selling supplies can teach you valuable lessons in entrepreneurship, money management, and customer service, but ensure that it doesn’t interfere with your studies.
Ultimately, if you follow your school’s guidelines and have the right mindset, it could be a fun and educational activity.