Is my answer correct. I can't found Confederacies
1.Discuss the differences between bands, tribes, chiefdoms, confederacies, and states. Then indicate what roles kinship and associations play in each of these systems
Band: small kin-based group among scavengers. About everyone is related through kinship or marriage. There are also type of institute in which hunters and foragers work, hunt and life together, but it is also a political group. There is no social stratification. Prominence is received through subjective skills. There is no sole authority. The Guidance is based on expertise and respect. Citizens with important skills and earned admiration have some control. A decision is made through categorize consensus. There are people have more influence than others. There also no political establishments. All economic, political, social activities revolve around kin. Everyone is related in some way. A group of people who have common interest or purpose -> a subgroup of a tribe.
Tribe: economy based on no exhaustive food production (horticulture and pastoralism). They have no formal government of enforcing political decisions - there are others discernable gender stratification. A social allocation in a traditional society consisting of ancestors or communities related by social, financial, religious, or blood ties, with a mutual culture and parlance, typically having recognized leader.
Confederacies -
Chief- Chiefdom: intermediate form between tribe and state. Social relations mainly based on kinship marriage, descent, age, generation and gender. Chiefdoms were also kin based. Differential access: favored access to resources by superordinate’s over subordinates. Chief redistributes these goods to the community (Cahokia) Sociopolitical organization in which political and economic power is exercised by a single person or group of people, over many communities. The chief have coercive power. There are people who were in fear supernatural punishment. They must pay tribute to the chief as of food and other goods.
State: formal governmental structure stratification. In overall, when food production becomes more multifaceted and lengthy, the population of the units grows becomes more complex. Many sociopolitical trends reflect the increased regulatory demands associated with food production. Stratification (Arrange into group’s classes) State forms of political organization are most likely to include formal, bureaucratized taxation: there is a large population with thousands and millions of people. The Political institute of society have orders with the law and enforcements, has boundaries ruled by power. It involves high level of Social Corporation. Consultant is lawfully constituted. If you do not obey the law you will be legally punished. There are high stratified societies, many of level economic status.
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