Is it important to add that I am talking about twelfth night and the characters I will be talking about in the next 3 paragraphs, or is this fine:
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. Therefore, the only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once. Time is the ally of truth, or the worst enemy of a liar, and revenge is having the truth presented to public and the liar made obvious. ”And thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenges.” What comes around goes around. With time, the truth will be revealed.
Make sure you give credit for the quotation that is your first sentence. That entire sentence needs to be quoted exactly and needs to be in quotation marks, and then you must name Abraham Lincoln as the originator of that statement.
GuruBlue may have further suggestions for you.
Why is it important to write the person who quoted.
Any quote must always be attributed to its source. Otherwise this is called plagerism... for which a paper can be given a failing grade. It is like stealing someones words.
so how do i write the name. Is brackets after the quote?
write the name in parenthesis
You had asked this before. Here is what I suggested: "use the last sentence of your introduction to mention their names. Then write one paragraph on how each of them were brought to the truth by time."
Then the last sentence of the paragraph would include how this changed how that character thought.
I have a setup I must use. Intro, thesis, examples of three characters in 3 paras, and conclusion.
That setup is exactly what I am talking about.
You have the introduction written and have started on the first paragraph...I was telling you how to finish that paragraph.... and some ideas for what to put in your conclusion.
ok....and have you actually read the novel tewlfth night?
Yup... have taught it many times <G>
Could you give me an example of a situation involving the quote so I can get a basic idea.
When you are reading the play, write down instances when the truth is not told..... also write down the characters who are lied to. Then you will have a basis for your other two paragraphs. These study notes may help you with this.