Is it ethical or unethical to Deemphasizing negative test results in a report on your product idea?

4 answers

Let us know what YOU THINK, and someone here will be happy to comment on your reasoning.
I think it is unethical
I agree.

Be sure to give your reasons.
I am not so certain. Sometimes negative test results reflect what the test measured, and only that.

Say you are selling tutoring services for kids at the Math and Science School. Someone tests you on proofing and essay, and you flunk it. Does that mean you can't ethically demphasize those test results?

What about a camping stove, but test results indicate it is hard to light above 15,000 feet elevation (not many camp above that elevation). I would demphasize that, but ethically, I would add in small type, not suitable for above 15,000 feet.

What if your new car for family use had a wheel problem (they fall off) at over 125mph? Would you emphasize that, or downplay it?

What if your longlasting new lipstick didn't wash off easily until the third day? Would you emphasize that, or emphasize it was long lasting?