Here are the answers to your queries based on geographical and historical contexts related to Georgia:
Home to the highest elevation in Georgia: This refers to Brasstown Bald, which is the highest peak in Georgia at an elevation of 4,784 feet.
The only known source of coal in Georgia: This is Dade County, located in the northwest corner of the state, which has coal deposits primarily found in the Chickamauga Formation.
Contains fertile farmland and produces 85% of carpet sold in the US: This would refer to the Northwest Georgia region, particularly around the city of Dalton, which is known as the "Carpet Capital of the World."
The most highly populated region in Georgia and contains most of the state’s major cities, including Atlanta: This pertains to the Metro Atlanta area, which is the most populous and economically significant area in the state.
Was covered by the Atlantic Ocean and currently makes up around 60% of Georgia’s land: This refers to the Coastal Plain, which in geological terms was once a seabed and now encompasses a significant portion of the state of Georgia, including its flat landscapes and numerous rivers.
Let me know if you need more detailed information on any of these topics!