is anyone can help to correct my english..thank you....please correct if it relevant to the question of my exination..thanks and GOD BLESS U.

question..1.What is meant by “if we are to improve our speaking skills, we must first become more aware of ourselves, our motivation, behavior patterns, and likely our mistakes” Kindly rationalize your thoughts through your personal experience.

improving speaking skills is evebody's doubt but, its also desire to covey message to every one fluently and smoothly.IN MY experience I spoke on the front of the huge audience but at first i was really nervous or reluctant to express in fron of them that i might be wrong or giving incorrect information to them.i know audience expecting more about me on what i can do or to learn themselves.after the meeting I remember and realized that something got wrong on my message to them and I also knew it and noticed through their reaction.I continued to speak in front of them and just think that nothing has happened on what I said.I always think positive that I am always right what I am doing in speaking but later I have to accept what has wrong I MADE AND IT'S JUST A PART OF EVERYONE'S LIFE AND ITS THE REASON TO START MYSELF AWARE AND CAREFULLY THOUGHT IF SOMETHING NEEDED TO START IN SPECIALLY IN SPEAKING.MISTAKES IS MOTIVATING MYSELF TO PURSUE BECOMING GOOD ENOUGHT
TO HAVE A GOOD SKILLS IN SPEAKING.THE AUDIENCE COMMENTS ALSO IS GIVING MYSELF MORE COMFORTABLE THAT SOMETHING HAS NOTICED ON ME AND THAT IS I have to give more attentin in improving more.I should have been more understanding and accepting all what I have dome wrong in my speaking in order that I can make good enough n correcting and it will make me more aware before starting to speak so I can creat good words and speak well and deliver almost perfect message to the audience.

2 answers

First, please do not use all caps.

Second, please copy and paste your answer in this spell checker to correct the spelling/typing errors.

Repost when you've done those to things.
*two things (not to things)