Irony sarcasm and paradox quick check

1 answer

Sure! Here's a quick overview of irony, sarcasm, and paradox:


  • Definition: Irony involves a contrast between expectation and reality. It can be situational, verbal, or dramatic.
    • Example: A fire station burns down. (Situational irony)


  • Definition: Sarcasm is a form of verbal irony where someone says the opposite of what they mean, often in a mocking or scornful tone.
    • Example: If someone fails a test and a friend says, "Great job! You're so smart!" that is sarcasm.


  • Definition: A paradox is a statement that appears contradictory or opposed to common sense, but may actually reveal a deeper truth.
    • Example: "Less is more." This suggests that simplicity can lead to greater effectiveness.


  • Irony: Contrast between expectation and reality.
  • Sarcasm: Mockingly says the opposite of what is meant.
  • Paradox: A seemingly contradictory statement that reveals a truth.

Let me know if you need further clarification or examples!