Let's categorize the statements based on whether they apply to an investor or a lender:
Annalise works for a bank that specializes in home mortgage loans. However, on occasion—if the deal isn’t too risky—she and her bank will agree to finance development/construction projects.
- Lender
Rolf is an entrepreneur who’s funded a land development project that he believes is going to result in some excellent returns.
- Investor
Stefan is patting himself on the back because a development project that he funded is bringing him some fantastic returns. The homes in the new subdivision are selling like hotcakes.
- Investor
Rolf recently applied for a loan to fund a new land development project. Mark did his research and ran the numbers, and he knows that Rolf isn’t the best money-maker on the planet. Mark and the firm he works for have agreed to finance the deal, but underwriting says they’re going to have to come with a larger down payment and a shorter payback schedule. In this situation, Mark is a ___________.
- Lender
- Annalise: Lender
- Rolf (entrepreneur): Investor
- Stefan: Investor
- Mark: Lender