Investigate how the Chavin gods may have influenced the Inca.

The Chavin Staff Deity inspired Inca to worship the moon.

The Chavin Staff Deity was an agricultural god to the Inca.

The Chavin Staff Deity was a forerunner to the Incan Viracocha.

The Chavin Staff Deity inspired the Inca to build an adobe city.

1 answer

The Chavin gods could have had a significant influence on the religious and cultural beliefs of the Inca civilization. One possible way in which the Chavin gods may have influenced the Inca is through their worship of the moon.

The Chavin Staff Deity, also known as the Lanzón, was a central figure in Chavin religion. It was often associated with power, fertility, and agriculture. This deity was believed to have control over the natural forces that affected agrarian activities, such as rain and fertility of the land. The Inca civilization heavily relied on agriculture for their survival, and worshiped deities associated with agriculture and fertility.

The moon was an important celestial body for the Inca, and they worshipped it as Mama Quilla, the mother of the sun and wife of Inti, the sun god. It is possible that the Inca were influenced by the Chavin belief in the power and influence of the moon on agricultural activities, leading them to adopt the worship of the moon as an essential part of their religious practices.

Another possible influence of the Chavin gods on the Inca is the correlation between the Chavin Staff Deity and the Incan deity Viracocha. The Chavin Staff Deity is considered by some scholars to be a forerunner to the Incan creation deity Viracocha. This suggests that the Inca may have borrowed or adapted certain aspects of the Chavin religion and incorporated it into their own belief system.

Additionally, the Chavin civilization was known for their advanced architectural skills, particularly in the construction of their ceremonial centers. One of the most famous Chavin sites is the adobe city of Chavín de Huántar. The importance placed on monumental architecture by the Chavin may have impressed the Inca and inspired them to build their own impressive adobe cities, such as Machu Picchu.

Overall, while it is challenging to determine the exact extent of the influence of Chavin gods on the Inca civilization, it is clear that the Inca were familiar with some aspects of the Chavin religion and incorporated certain beliefs and practices into their own religious system.