That's not quite a thesis statement. It's a statement, but not a thesis.
In a thesis statement, you need to have not only a factual topic, but also your opinion or position or stance about that topic.
Study the poor and re-done thesis statements on this webpage, and then repost when you have yours rewritten.
You're assigned a book report that is due at the end of the month, you say to yourself "hey that's plenty of time, I'll do it later." The problem is when is later? Is it later in the day, week or later meaning close to the day the book report is due? So then you're stressed out that day working on your book report simply because you did not plan your time wisely and chose to wait until the very last minute to start on your book report. How hectic can procrastination be?
Procrastination is a problem that everyone struggles with.
Is this good? how can i improve my thesis?
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