There is no such thing as a perfect body.
Now, you finish the paragraph.
Provide an interesting hook, and a few facts about the topic, and your opinion on whether or not there is such thing as a perfect body. Make me want to read the body of the essay. Mention Bozzone, mention the Vitruvian man, mention Davinci, mention the title “Perfectly Imperfect”
1.The text structure the author used in this paragraph is cause and effect. I know this because_______(give examples from the passage. Make sure to explain how each example is an example of the structure.) Bozzone’s choice of cause and effect helped me as a reader (by/because/as I ) ____________. (How were you able to understand that each of these sports stars’ unique body types helped them be successful?)One text feature I noticed was…… . This feature was helpful because……..
2. The author’s purpose of this text was to ________(persuade, inform, entertain). Bozzone explains how perfection ________ and how physical flaws_______.(What does the author say about perfection in nature and physical flaws? Does a flaw really exist?)
She believes that________ (Does she think there is a “perfect body”? What have human flaws helped people like Michael Phelps, Simone Biles, and Usain Bolt do?)
Understanding the author’s point of view helped me to understand the topic better __________
(Look at da Vinci’s “Perfect Man”. Before reading, we would probably have agreed that the example had all the right proportions. However, after reading, we discovered that Michael, Simone, and Usain do not fit that standard. However, their body type perfectly suits the activity they excel at. Explain how your understanding of the “perfect” body type changed.
3. Bozzone distinguishes her position from others by _____ (whose idea of a “perfect” human does she write about, and who does she compare that “perfect human” to?).
Contrary to _DaVinci______’s vision of a perfect body, the author uses the example of ______ to show that _________ (pick an example the author uses who had an “imperfect” body). She uses that example to show (Give some examples of that person’s imperfections and explain how they used them to excel). Another example the author uses is (pick an example the author uses who had an “imperfect” body). She uses that example to show (Give some examples of that person’s imperfections and explain how they used them to excel).
Understanding how the author shows that a “perfect” body could actually be a good thing helps to realize that ______ (explain how the author’s views of the “imperfect body” can help people view themselves differently).
Conclusion- In conclusion,
Conclusion: You are writing a conclusion (wrap up) of this essay. Make sure to restate the central idea in a fresh way and end with a bang. Remind me of your thoughts on a perfect body. Mention Bozzone, mention the Vitruvian man, mention Davinci, mention the title “Perfectly Imperfect
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