I think you're right.
At age 3, my granddaughter said she wanted to play soccer after school. (She was in preschool!) Eventually, there were about 8 preschoolers who were also interested, so the school formed an after-school 'class' for these tiny ones.
This went on for many weeks, and the kids loved it. They never learned the rules of the game nor how to score goals. The primary skill they were taught was how to kick the ball (early on, most kids couldn't make the connection between foot and ball), and most of them then learned how to kick it down the field. (The 'field' was about half the size of a regular soccer field.)
Everyone was happy, and the kids were learning the most basic skill for the game. Simply kicking the ball, much less kicking it down the field, was a great accomplishment for these tiny ones.
Introducing organized sports among young children is not recommended because?
A.this excludes the teacher or caregiver
from a role in play.
B.they lack the necessary physical
maturation needed.
C.they should be making up their own rules.
D.they lack the social interaction skills needed.
My answer is B
4 answers
I would agree with B.
the corect answer is D
I need to know what's the right answer to introducing organized sports among young children is not recommended because