To develop a mobile app that records the number of times a phone is dropped, we will start by conducting user research to identify key features and desired functionalities. Next, we will design the user interface (UI) to ensure it's intuitive and engaging. Once the UI design is finalized, we'll proceed with the development phase, using device sensors like accelerometers to detect drops. Finally, we will test the app for accuracy and user experience before launching it on app stores, followed by ongoing maintenance and updates based on user feedback.
Intermediate Programming Unit Test 16 of 1916 of 19 Items Question In 3-5 sentences, write a short roadmap for a mobile app project that records the number of times a phone is dropped.(4 points) Short Answer Rubric (4 points) Points Awarded Criteria 4 The answer is very clear. The answer is fully supported by details. There may be a few errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics. Errors do not interfere with meaning. 3 The answer is mostly clear. The answer is supported by mostly relevant details. There are a few errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics. Errors do not interfere with meaning. 2 The answer is somewhat clear. Details are weak or not related. There are some errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Errors interfere with meaning. 1 The answer is not clear. There are few or no supporting details. There are many errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Errors interfere with meaning. 0 The question is not answered. Skip to navigation page 1 of 1
1 answer