Instrument used to examine ballistic evidence

1 answer

The primary instrument used to examine ballistic evidence is a **Comparison Microscope**. This specialized microscope allows forensic scientists to compare two different bullets or cartridge casings side by side. By aligning the images, examiners can look for matching striations, markings, and other unique characteristics that can link a bullet or casing to a particular firearm.

Other tools and methods employed in the examination of ballistic evidence include:

1. **Ballistics Gel**: Used to simulate human tissue and study the behavior of bullets upon impact.
2. **DNA Analysis**: To determine if there is any DNA present on the firearm or ammunition.
3. **Calipers & Micrometers**: For precise measurements of bullets and casings.
4. **Digital Imaging Systems**: To capture and analyze detailed images of ballistic evidence.
5. **Trajectory Kits**: To reconstruct shooting incidents by determining the path of fired bullets.
6. **Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS)**: This database system is used to digitally match ballistic evidence across different crime scenes and jurisdictions.

These tools and techniques form the backbone of forensic ballistics, aiding in the identification and linking of firearms to criminal activities.